Federal Association

BBK Federal Association

The Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler e. V. (Federal Association of Visual Artists) has represented the professional interests of freelance visual artists vis-à-vis federal politics and administration since 1972. It is a politically non-partisan contact for the federal states in cross-state matters, members of the German Bundestag and committees of the European Union.
The BBK-Bundesverband (Federal Association) is the umbrella organization of the BBK-Landesverbände (State Associations) and their members or member associations; together they organize more than 10,000 visual artists. It is a strong solidarity community and lobby for all visual artists in Germany. It cooperates closely with other artists’ associations and cultural-political actors in civil society.

More at: bbk-bundesverband.de

BBK Federal Association

Markgrafendamm 24 – House 16
10245 Berlin

Phone 030 2640970

Fax 030 28099305



BBK State Associations

The BBK-Bundesverband (Federal Association) is the umbrella organization of currently 15 state associations, six of which are additionally structured in district or regional associations.
The associations are differently positioned and active. The spectrum of activities ranges from the organization of exhibitions (sometimes in self-organized spaces) and public discussions, to the provision of information to its members, the development of statements and guidelines on relevant topics at the state level, etc.

Visual artists can become members of the BBK through the state, regional or district associations. Information on membership can be found on the Membership page of the BBK website. The advantages of membership in the BBK are, among other things: profession-specific consulting services, discounted publications, exhibition opportunities of the BBK associations and a regular collegial exchange. In this way, they also support the work of the BBK national association, which is committed to improving professional and social conditions at the national level.
Information about the activities, structures, requirements for membership etc. can be found on the respective websites or offices of the state, district and regional associations.


Landesverbände des BBK

Baden-Württemberg www.bbk-karlsruhe.de

Bayern www.bbk-bayern.de

Brandenburg www.bbk-brandenburg.de

Braunschweig www.kunsthausbbk.de

Hamburg www.bbk-hamburg.de

Hessen www.bbk-hessen.de

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern www.kuenstlerbund-mv.de

Niedersachsen bbk-niedersachsen.org

Nordrhein-Westfalen www.bbk-landesverband-nrw.de

Rheinland-Pfalz www.bbkrlp.de

Saarland www.bbk-saarland.de

Sachsen www.lbk-sachsen.de

Schleswig-Holstein www.bbk-schleswig-holstein.de

Thüringen www.vbkth.de

Adressen Landesverbände