“The state protects and promotes cultural life” – this paragraph from Article 11 of the Bremen State Constitution is the basis for action for the Senator for Culture.
The department is thus responsible for a wide-ranging area of work – namely the diverse and rich cultural scene of the state of Bremen. The tasks are performed both as a state ministry and as a municipal administration for the municipality of Bremen.
Mayor Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte is also the Senator for Culture in Bremen.
The Artists’ Social Insurance Fund (KSK) ensures that self-employed artists and publicists enjoy protection under the statutory social insurance system similar to that of employees by implementing the Artists’ Social Insurance Act (KSVG). It is not a service provider itself, but coordinates the payment of contributions for its members to a health insurance of their choice and to the statutory pension and long-term care insurance. Self-employed artists and publicists are entitled to the entire statutory benefits catalog
VG Bild-Kunst is an association for the collective management of copyrights. It currently has over 60,000 members: artists who create works in the visual field and who have joined together to jointly manage those copyright claims that cannot reasonably be managed individually. The proceeds from the exploitation of the contributed rights of use and claims to remuneration are distributed in full to the members after deduction of the administrative costs. Bild-Kunst is therefore legally a so-called collecting society, which is also indicated by the abbreviation “VG” in its name.
The Deutscher Kulturrat e.V. is the umbrella organization of the federal cultural associations. It is the point of contact for federal, state and European Union policymakers and administrators in all matters of cultural policy that transcend the individual sections of the German Cultural Council. The aim of the German Cultural Council is to stimulate cultural policy discussion at all political levels and to advocate for freedom of art, publication and information.
The Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V. was founded in 1976 and is the platform for cultural policy discourse in theory and practice in Germany.
It stands for the principle “cultural policy is social policy” and is a politically non-partisan, nationwide association for the promotion of education, science and research in the fields of art, culture and cultural policy.
KuPoGe is a network and association of around 1,500 people as well as organizations interested and committed to cultural policy, including those from the fields of cultural policy and administration, cultural practice, science, art, cultural education and training, socio-culture and journalism.
The International Society of Fine Arts (IGBK) is a strong lobby for visual artists on an international and national level. The IGBK is involved in the field of international cultural cooperation and is committed to improving the international exchange of artists and the framework conditions for artistic work.
We advise visual artists on work, exchange and funding opportunities at home and abroad, provide information on current international calls for proposals, residencies and grants, and arrange contacts. Cross-border mobility is an important concern for us. We issue the international artist’s card for professional visual artists.