
Current board and management from left to right:

Doris Weinberger, Antje Schneider (GF), Herwig Gillerke (sitzend), Felix Dreesen und Monika B. Beyer

Nicht mit auf dem Foto: Branka Čolić

BBK Bremen Vorstand-2020
Foto © Franziska von den Driesch


The BBK Bremen has approximately 220 members from Bremen, Bremerhaven and the surrounding area (as of October 2021).
The association is represented by a five-member board, which is elected every two years at the annual general meeting.
Two board members from Bremen attend the federal delegates’ meeting every four years as the highest committee of the state associations. The delegates elect the federal board, decide on the work program and the budget. Between the federal delegates’ assemblies, the federal committee meets at least once a year. It consists of one representative of each regional association and the members of the federal board.
In the committees of the federal association, strategies for the work in the federal and state governments are developed and, if necessary, position papers are drafted.
The BBK Bremen maintains an office in the Künstlerhaus Bremen on the Weser.