Cultural policy Nationwide

Cultural policy Nationwide

The Federal Association of the BBK observes and analyzes the social situation of its professional field and develops strategies to improve the economic situation, social security and the cultural policy framework. It challenges critical discourse of the art scene and stands up for the freedom of art and culture in a democratic and tolerant society. It takes a stand on current cultural policy issues, such as copyright in the digital age, the instrumentalization of art or the well-being of the social and economic situation of artists. The joint reflection of the topics in the committees is equally central as is the transparency of the decision-making processes.

There are a number of fields of action in which the The Federal Association of the BBK is active.
The Federal Association of the BBK has contributed to, and further developed, the guidelines for intergrated art in buildings of the federal government in the expert regulatory organization, Kunst am Bau (that oversees the percentage of the construction budget to be allocated toward integrating artworks into large-scale development projects).

Economic situation of visual artists

The Federal Association of the BBK advocates the securing of exhibition remuneration in copyright law and demands binding regulations in the funding guidelines of the federal states and municipalities. The “Guideline for the Remuneration of Services of Visual Artists in the Context of Exhibitions” contains important issues to be considered in negotiations between artists and organizers of exhibitions.

The key points are presented in two remuneration tables that artists can use to obtain appropriate remuneration for making works available and for services provided in the context of exhibitions.

Download Guideline Exhibition Remuneration 2021

At the federal and European level, he advocates the preservation of the reduced VAT rate on the sale of works of art.

He supports the promotion of artistic projects through his work on the Advisory Board of the Kulturwerk Foundation of the VG BILD-KUNST and on the Board of Trustees of the Kunstfonds Foundation.

He is a strong advocate for fields of work that give artists the opportunity to earn a decent income. These include, above all, the areas of Art Within Architecture/Art in Public Spaces and cultural education: art within architectre/art in public spaces.

The Federal Association of the BBK has participated in and further developed the federal government’s panel of experts, “Kunst am Bau” (Art Within Architecture). It is the consultancy for the Federal Ministry of Construction and the Federal Office for Regional Planning. He is currently working on guidelines for open competitions, which is aimed at artists as well as the institutions issuing competitions.

 Download Federal Guide to Art in Building 2012

Cultural education

Since 2013, the The Federal Association of the BBK has been a program partner of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the funding program, “Culture is Strength. Education Alliances”. Through this format, numerous cultural education projects in all German states have already received 100% funding, in which professional artists open up access to art and culture for educationally disadvantaged children and young people to strengthen their creativity.

Social Security

Since the foundation of the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK), the The Federal Association of the BBK has been involved in its advisory board and appeals committee for the interests of artists. In the event of problems, it provides artists with individual advice.

  • The Federal Association of the BBK intervenes in the interest of improving the retirement provisions of visual artists in federal legislative projects on which it takes a position.
  • It actively participates in the advisory board of the Stiftung Sozialwerk der VG BILD-KUNST for the benefit of numerous artists who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own.
  • It provides information about the requirements of the German Artists’ Aid and maintains contact with the Office of the Federal President in this regard.

Gender equity

The gender pay gap – the incomes of female artists are about 25% lower than those of their male colleagues – and also the gender show gap – both with regard to the presentation of works by female artists in museums and galleries as well as in the presentation of art history – have prompted the The Federal Association of the BBK to position itself on the topic of gender justice. In this regard, the The Federal Association of the BBK has participated in the Round Table “Women in Culture and Media” of the Minister of State for Culture and continues its involvement in the working group on gender justice of the German Council for Cultural Affairs in order to introduce proposals for improving the situation through a joint policy advisory statement.


The Federal Association of the BBK stands up for the rights of visual artists as authors, which must be defended particularly in the digital age. To this end, it is represented on all committees of the Collecting Society of Visual Art:

Cultural Heritage

With its symposium “Occasion: Bequest. On Dealing with Artists’ Estates” and the publication of the same name, The Federal Association of the BBK has given an important motivation toward the appreciation, recording and preservation of artists’ estates. It supports regional initiatives in their commitment.

The Federal Association of the BBK works on the advisory board of the archive of the Stiftung Kunstfonds in Brauweiler and is a member of the Bundesverband Künstlernachlässe (The Federal Association of Artists’ Estates).

It has made a significant contribution to the recognition of traditional printing techniques as intangible cultural heritage: thanks to the application by The Federal Association of the BBK and the Museuem of the Printing Arts (Museum für Druckkunst) Leipzig, such techniques were included in the nationwide list of intangible cultural heritage by the German UNESCO Commission in 2018. Since 2019, The Federal Association of the BBK has organized “A Day of Printing Arts” on March 15. Around this date, numerous events throughout Germany present and communicate the art of printing.

International Cooperation

The Federal Association of the BBK is an active member of the International Society of Fine Arts (IGBK) and the International Association of Art (IAA) as well as its European regional group, the International Association of Art (IAA) Europe.

Together with other artists’ associations, it organizes symposia and workshops on international topics in the context of these organizations. It supports the International Artist Card of the International Association of Art (IAA) – professional artists living in

Germany can apply for it at the IGBK, the German national committee of the IAA.
The Federal Association of the BBK supports the Information and Advisory Service Touring Artists, a joint project of the IGBK and the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Germany.

Presence in Politics

The Federal Association of the BBK is in exchange with the democratic parties represented in the Bundestag, especially with their cultural policy spokespersons, as well as the federal ministries and their subordinate authorities, in order to advocate for the interests of artists at the political level. The following professional areas of interest are attended to closely:

General cultural policy issues, promotion of BBK projects and publications: 
The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media

Artists’ Social Security Fund (KSK), Social Benefits, Retirement Provision and Pensions:
Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

Art Within Architecture (Kunst am Bau) and Public Spaces, Construction Culture (Baukultur): 
Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning

Cultural Education, “Culture is Strength, Education Alliance” Program: 
Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Gender Gap, Gabriele Münter Prize: 
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Cultural and Creative Industries, Digitization:
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action

International Exchange, Cross-Border Artistic Work: 
Federal Foreign Office and Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations

Presence in Associations and Institutions

The Federal Association of the BBK is well networked and is involved in the following bodies, among others:

Artists’ Social Insurance Fund (KSK):
Advisory board and appeals committee

Collecting Society for the Visual Arts:
Board of Directors, Administrative Board, Stiftung Sozialwerk, Stiftung Kulturwerk

Foundation Art Fund (Stiftung Kunstfonds) for the Promotion of Contemporary Visual Arts:
International Society of Fine Arts (IGBK)

German Cultural Council:
Speaker’s Council, all professional committees, German Arts Council

Consultancy on Art in Architecture at the Federal Ministry of Construction:
Sprecherrat, alle Fachausschüsse, Deutscher Kunstrat

Federal Foundation of Construction Culture (Bundesstiftung Baukultur)

Author’s Rights Initiative (Initiative Urheberrecht)

Exhibition Remuneration Right Initiative

Federal Association of Artists’ Estates

Alliance of the Liberal Arts

Federal Academy for Cultural Education Wolfenbüttel